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As several of our Sale items have BOMs, which are only slightly different from one another, we have created an original BOM and then duplicated it. We then renamed the duplicate and adjusted some of the products within it. In the PDF report "BOM Structure" (to be found under Manufacturing - Bill of Materials - Print) we have now (copy) printed behind each of the individual items.

This appears to be a glitch as the individual products were not duplicated but only the pdf document mentions that it is a copy. Any help on how to adjust this is highly appreciated.


how did you solve this problem?

Any NEWS on this TOPIC, I have also seen the problem and it's more than this.. I have some articels that are copyed and then changed and I have removed the name copy in the description but I still can find the files if I search for COPY then all these files are find but you can't see that it says copy any where. I have also a app. on the phone If I look at the product the then it still sates the COPY in the product description.. PLEASE can some sone say what's wrong and why you canät remove this text COPY.