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7 Replies

Is it possible to assign custom menu action to specific treeview view? Im trying to archieve that i want to have a few different tree views for stock.moves model, and i want a custom action to each of the tree view, but i dont want show all actions in all custom views. So it should look like that:

one model - stock.moves

1.custom tree view + custom action 1

2.custom tree view + custom action 2

3.custom tree view + custom action 3

With the current Odoo design all i can get is:

1.custom tree view + custom action 1 + custom action 2 + custom action 3

2.custom tree view + custom action 1 + custom action 2 + custom action 3

3.custom tree view + custom action 1 + custom action 2 + custom action 3

I thought about a custom button, but its not possible to create one in a tree view, like in form view...Or maybe there are othe work arounds for this situation? thank you

Author Best Answer

Hello Vishal, if you will add button like this, button will appear on each line, but its not what im looking for. I need a button in a action menu, after you select records, and i need different action on a different treeview but same model. I have tried your suggestion on view_move_tree in stock module, and it gives me button in line.


Okay, you can add button in more option in tree view. from where you can call your python method.


<record id="open_invoice" model="ir.actions.server">

<field name="name">Open Invoice</field>

<field name="model_id" ref="account.model_account_invoice"/>

<field name="state">code</field>

<field name="code">action = self.open_invoice_from_list(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids', []), context=context)</field>


<record id="action_open_invoice" model="ir.values">

<field eval="'client_action_multi'" name="key2"/>

<field eval="'account.invoice'" name="model"/>

<field name="name">Open Product</field>

<field eval="'ir.actions.server,%d'%open_invoice" name="value"/>


here open_invoice_from_list is python method for account.invoice.

i hope this is helpful.


Yes i know that is possible to add a button in an Action or More menu. But lets say you 3 custom tree views in a stock.move model, if you will add a menu in Action or More, it will appear in all custom views of stock.move model. What i want, is to add a menu item in More menu in one custom tree view menu, not in all.

Best Answer

I wrote a module 'web_menu_action_if' to accomplish this task in Odoo 9.0.

# addons/web_menu_action_if/
# jimays
# code--129a-0131-3bbbb54b-8e81-ad5c3982c542--
'name': 'Web Menu Action If',
'category': 'Hidden',
'website': '',
'description': """
So you can have items on the Action menu for a model only for selected views.

Makes any action with xml_id starting with 'action_if_xyz_then_' or 'action_if_not_xyz_then_'
invisible unless the context has or does not have 'action_if_xyz_then': 1.

For example, define an action with id="module.action_if_my_view_then_do_something"
and then on your ir.actions.act_window which loads your view, include context="{'action_if_my_view': 1}".

If you want an action to not appear on your view, use id="module.action_if_not_my_view_then_something_else".

Using this mechanism, I was able to make a Payment Transfer view that has certain actions
and have certain other actions only show up on the default Sales Payments and Purchase Payments views.

<record id="action_account_payment_transfers" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Payment Transfers</field>
<field name="res_model">account.payment</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form,graph</field>
<field name="context">{
'default_payment_type': 'transfer',
'actions_if_payment_transfer': 1,
<field name="domain">[('payment_type', '=', 'transfer')]</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_account_payment_transfer_tree"/>

<record id="actions_if_payment_transfer_then_unreconcile_and_cancel" model="ir.actions.server">

<record id="actions_if_not_payment_transfer_then_create_journal_entry_in_lieu_of_invoice" model="ir.actions.server">
'version': '1.0',
'depends': ['web'],
'data': [


<template id="web_menu_action_if_assets_js" name="Web Menu Action If JS Assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="script[last()]" position="after">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web_menu_action_if/static/src/js/web_menu_action_if.js"></script>


// addons/web_menu_action_if/static/src/js/web_web_menu_action_if.js
// jimays
// code--129a-0131-5569d629-9db5-6bbf278af157--

// gratitude addons/web/static/src/js/widgets/sidebar.js
// gratitude
// gratitude
// gratitude
// gratitude
// gratitude
// gratitude

odoo.define('web.action_if', function (require) {
'use strict';

var Sidebar = require('web.Sidebar');

var re_actions_if = new RegExp('^[^.]+\.(actions_if_.*?)_then_.+$');

true || console.log('starting web_menu_action_if.js');

add_toolbar: function(toolbar) {
var self = this;

var context = self.getParent().dataset.get_context().eval();
true || console.log('context: ' + JSON.stringify(context));

_.each(['print','action','relate'], function(type) {
var items = toolbar[type];
if (items) {

// Make any action with xml_id starting with 'action_if_xyz_then_' or 'action_if_not_xyz_then_'
// invisible unless the context has or does not have 'action_if_xyz_then': 1.
for (var i = items.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
var matches = re_actions_if.exec(items[i].xml_id);
var actions_if = matches ? matches[1] : '';
var flip = (actions_if.indexOf('actions_if_not') == 0);
if (flip) {
actions_if = 'actions_if' + actions_if.substr(14);
var visible = (!actions_if
|| (!flip && context[actions_if]) || (flip && !context[actions_if]));

true || console.log(
'item xml_id: ' + items[i].xml_id
+ ', actions_if: ' + actions_if + ', flip: ' + flip
+ ', context[actions_if]: ' + context[actions_if] + ', visible: ' + visible);

if (!visible) {
true || console.log('action invisible: ' + items[i].xml_id);
items.splice(i, 1);

// Repeat code from core web module to install actions in the sidebar.

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i] = {
label: items[i]['name'],
action: items[i],
classname: 'oe_sidebar_' + type
self.add_items(type=='print' ? 'print' : 'other', items);

}); // end odoo.define('', function() {


Best Answer

I thought about a custom button, but its not possible to create one in a tree view, like in form view...Or maybe there are othe work arounds for this situation?
>>> You can create button tree view and call python method then you can do anything you want.



     <button name="open_product" type="object" string="Open Product" icon="gtk-go-forward"/>



Hello Vishal, if you will add button like this, button will appear on each line, but its not what im looking for. I need a button in a action menu, after you select records, and i need different action on a different treeview but same model. I have tried your suggestion on view_move_tree in stock module, and it gives me button in line.

Okay, you can add button in more option in tree view. from where you can call your python method.


<record id="open_invoice" model="ir.actions.server">

<field name="name">Open Invoice</field>

<field name="model_id" ref="account.model_account_invoice"/>

<field name="state">code</field>

<field name="code">action = self.open_invoice_from_list(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids', []), context=context)</field>


<record id="action_open_invoice" model="ir.values">

<field eval="'client_action_multi'" name="key2"/>

<field eval="'account.invoice'" name="model"/>

<field name="name">Open Product</field>

<field eval="'ir.actions.server,%d'%open_invoice" name="value"/>


here open_invoice_from_list is python method for account.invoice.

i hope this is helpful.