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I created a module to supply some data of my customization. This data include some logins, some analytic accounts and other data.

When I install the module for the first time it installs successfully. When I try to upgrade it misses some models and give me assersion error that this module does not exist.

For example, in the main xml file of this module I added the following record


<data noupdate="0">



<!-- budgetory position -->

<record model="" id="budg_01">

<field name="code">template</field>

<field name="name">template</field>


<record model="" id="budg_02">

<field name="code">NCTIS purchase</field>

<field name="name">NCTIS purchase</field>






to add the header of a budgetory position to the application. After the fresh installation I checked budgetory position table and found that the two positions are added ok.

When I tried to upgrade I got this error :

File "D:\openerp-7.0-latest\openerp-7.0-20140804-231303\openerp\tools\", line 852, in parse

self._tags[rec.tag](, rec, n)

File "D:\openerp-7.0-latest\openerp-7.0-20140804-231303\openerp\tools\", line 742, in _tag_record

assert model, "The model %s does not exist !" % (rec_model,)

AssertionError: The model does not exist !

Any help ?
