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Hello All

I want to apply tax globally means not in product order line.

For Example :

I have one Sale Order in this i have 2 different products with different price in order line.Now i want to apply tax on total amount of Sale Order like total of 2 product is 50 then i want to apply  tax on total amount of Sale order.

so if any one have any idea about that please let me know.
Best Answer

Hi ,

Globally you can't add taxes in Sale order  but Odoo has work around solution.

Map the taxes in the Product master - customer taxes field(many2many) and when Sale order is created, taxes will be automatically pulled in the Sale order lines  and in turn ,  it gets calculated and  display the  sub total, taxes and total.

Eg:  Consider tax is 10 %  and  Product A with   Sale price $100 and B with  with $200. Map the Customer taxes - 10 %  in Product master of Product  A and B. 

Create Sale order and Sale order lines for Product A with qty 5 and Product B with qty 10. Automatically taxes will be pulled.

When  you save the main Sale record , sub total will be 2500$ and taxes will be $250 and total will $2750.

hope it helps you.

