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Hi !

Just to clarify. Should I be worried about this error ? This doesn't seem to be a real issue, and besides, this is not a proper error, it just appears in debug mode.

Thanks ! :)

Best Answer

Another process/thread is already busy executing job `My job`

You might have a Scheduled Actions available with name = "My Job".  By default, when we start OpenERP server, we have a CRON process that does jobs from scheduled actions and the process is done regularly.

So, CRON job uses a scheduled action to run a process and complete it.  If a process is still running but the scheduler needs to start another instance of the process


Yes, I've created this action "My Job". It takes a very long time to process. If I understand what you are saying, my process is in the queue of jobs to start by openerp ir.cron, but because "My Job" is already running, openerp could not, and should not, do it. Am I right ?

yes. So, the next job will be scheduled when the process is completed upto which it will mention in the log that the process/thread is busy