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Any idea on why amount_untaxed is not found in sale.view_order_form
Error details: Element '<xpath expr="//field[@name]='amount_untaxed'">' can not be located in parent view 
Context error: View `Total Amount Discount Fields for Sale Order Form` [view_id: 995, xml_id: n/a, model: sale.order, parent_id: 575]" while parsing /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons/custom/discount_from_total/views/sale_order_form.xml:4, near
<record id="discount_from_total_in_sale_order_form" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name">Total Amount Discount Fields for Sale Order Form</field> <field name="model">sale.order</field> <field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_form"/> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <xpath expr="//field[@name]='amount_untaxed'" position="after"> <field name="amount_discount"/> </xpath> </field> </record>
Best Answer

You have an error in your xpath expression, it should be:

<xpath expr="//field[@name='amount_untaxed']" position="after">
    <field name="amount_discount"/>

you could also use it like this instead of using an xpath:

<field name="amount_untaxed" position="after">

<field name="amount_discount"/>



I finally realized my xpath was wrong. Unfortunatelly I was following "Odoo Development Essentials" book which actually had a mistake and used this wrong xpath.