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I created a model called res.reference to manage customer references, and it was done successfully. Now i want to add two fields of res.reference to sales order view so i added them in sale.order, but when i add them i got this error KeyError: 'name' please help... File "C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.1-1\server.\openerp\osv\", line 2258, in name_get KeyError: 'name'


what is field name you are using if you use field name(name) change it its works show me code or post the code

Best Answer

what is field name you are using, if you use field name(name) change it, its works, show me code or post the code. or you did not give in your new module give 'depends': ['sale'],


if you use inherit class sale_order(osv.osv): _inherit = 'sale.order' _columns = {
'target_value':fields.integer('Target Value'), 'lead_target':fields.integer('Lead Target'), } sale_order() you dont want to give _name ="new name"

if the answer is correct just help the others or wrong just show me the code i will help you