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I would like to add the address for the payable vendor that printed check is going to.  This is standard for most accounting systems that use printed checks to accommodate window envelopes.

Is this done in the associated Qweb view?



Looks like this view has changed since V9. It is no longer ckus_check. Anyone have updated instructions?

The view at v10 is called "l10n_us_check_printing.ckus_check" - it hasn't changed.

You are correct. Mea culpa. With your answer I was able to get 90% of the way towards printing the address on checks. The rest was just formatting for my check paper. Thank you.

Best Answer

Inherit and override the Qweb View called l10n_us_check_printing.ckus_check and add something like:

<xpath expr="//div/div[@class='ckus_payee_name']" position="replace">

<div class="ckus_payee_name" t-esc="page['partner_name']"/>

<table width="100%" style="padding:5px;margin: 160px 0px 0px 75px;">

<tr t-if="o.partner_id.street">

<td colspan="3" style="width:auto; padding:5px;">

<div class="ckus_payee_street" t-esc="o.partner_id.street"/>



<tr t-if="o.partner_id.street2">

<td colspan="3" style="width:auto; padding:5px;">

<div class="ckus_payee_street" t-esc="o.partner_id.street2"/>




<td style="width:auto; padding:5px;">

<div class="ckus_payee_street" t-if="" t-esc=""/>


<td style="width:auto; padding:5px;">

<div class="ckus_payee_street" t-if="o.partner_id.state_id" t-esc="o.partner_id.state_id.code"/>


<td style="width:auto; padding:5px;">

<div class="ckus_payee_street" t-if="" t-esc=""/>




