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I need to add a new kind of partner with label "creditor" moreover than existing ones "client" and "suppliers". Is that possible? I will be very grateful with any dummy explanation. Thank you in advance.


Do you know how to create an openerp module?


Perfect answer. Thank you S@@D.

Best Answer

I will show you how to add this field using the UI

Step1: Activate the Technical Features
Activate the Technical Features

Step2: Adding field in the model
Go to Settings/Technical/Database Structure/Fields and add the field as it's shown in the picture
image description

Step3: Adding field in the view
Go to Settings/Technical/User Interface/Views and use the search-view to find the res.partner.form record.
image description

Then, edit this record, go on the Architecture tab and add the line: <field name="x_creditor"/> after the supplier field.
image description
Save the modification and go to customers/suppliers form to verify if the field was added.
