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2 Replies

Amm using odoo 12 and have a custom python function that have one parametre and i want to call it in my report using _get_report_value,  here is my model 

from odoo import  models,api

class ReportInvoiceWithoutPayment(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.account.report_invoice'
_description = 'Account report without payment lines'

def chiffreen(self, num):

muz = (' ', 'Onze', 'Douze', 'Treize',
'Quatorze', 'Quinze', 'Seize', 'Dix-Sept', 'Dix-Huit', 'Dix-Neuf')

to_19_fr = ('Zéro', 'Un', 'Deux', 'Trois', 'Quatre', 'Cinq', 'Six',
'Sept', 'Huit', 'Neuf', 'Dix', 'Onze', 'Douze', 'Treize',
'Quatorze', 'Quinze', 'Seize', 'Dix-Sept', 'Dix-Huit', 'Dix-Neuf')
tens_fr = (
'Vingt', 'Trente', 'Quarante', 'Cinquante', 'Soixante', 'Soixante-Dix', 'Quatre-Vingt', 'Quatre-Vingt Dix')
denom_fr = ('',
'Mille', 'Million(s)', 'Milliards', 'Billions', 'Quadrillions',
'Quintillion', 'Sextillion', 'Septillion', 'Octillion', 'Nonillion',
'Décillion', 'Undecillion', 'Duodecillion', 'Tredecillion', 'Quattuordecillion',
'Sexdecillion', 'Septendecillion', 'Octodecillion', 'Icosillion', 'Vigintillion')

def _convert_nn_fr(val):
""" convertion des valeurs < 100 en Français
if val < 20:
return to_19_fr[val]
for (dcap, dval) in ((k, 20 + (10 * v)) for (v, k) in enumerate(tens_fr)):
if dval + 10 > val:
if val % 10:
if (val > 70 and val <= 79):
dcap = 'Soixante'
return dcap + '-' + muz[val % 10]

if (val > 90 and val <= 99):
dcap = 'Quatre-vingt'
return dcap + '-' + muz[val % 10]
return dcap + '-' + to_19_fr[val % 10]

return dcap

def _convert_nnn_fr(val):
""" convert a value < 1000 to french

special cased because it is the level that kicks
off the < 100 special case. The rest are more general. This also allows you to
get strings in the form of 'forty-five hundred' if called directly.
word = ''
(mod, rem) = (val % 100, val // 100)
b = val // 100
if rem > 0:
if b == 1:
word = 'Cent'
word = to_19_fr[rem] + ' Cent'
if mod > 0:
word += ' '
if mod > 0:
word += _convert_nn_fr(mod)
return word

def french_number(val):
if val < 100:
return _convert_nn_fr(val)
if val < 1000:
return _convert_nnn_fr(val)
for (didx, dval) in ((v - 1, 1000 ** v) for v in range(len(denom_fr))):
if dval > val:
mod = 1000 ** didx
l = val // mod
r = val - (l * mod)
if (l == 1) and (denom_fr[didx] == 'Mille'):
ret = denom_fr[didx]
ret = _convert_nnn_fr(l) + ' ' + denom_fr[didx]
if r > 0:
ret = ret + ' ' + french_number(r)
return ret

def amount_to_text_fr(number):
import math
number = '%.2f' % number
units_name = ' '
list = str(number).split('.')
muzamil = (french_number(abs(int(list[0]))))
start_word = muzamil
end_word = ''
# french_number(int(list[1]))
cents_number = int(list[1])
cents_name = (cents_number > 1) and ' Francs' or ' Franc'
final_result = start_word + ' ' + units_name + ' ' + end_word + ' ' + cents_name
return final_result

def IntOuDouble(num):
double = True if type(num) == float else False
if double == True:
number = str(num)
premier = number.split('.')[0]
deuxieme = number.split('.')[1]
# print(premier)
# print(deuxieme)
premier = amount_to_text_fr(int(premier))
deuxieme = amount_to_text_fr(int(deuxieme))
premier = premier[:len(premier) - 6]
deuxieme = deuxieme[:len(deuxieme) - 6] + 'Dinare Algerien'
# print(premier)
# print(deuxieme)
if deuxieme == 'Zéro Dinare Algerien':
res = premier + 'Dinare Algerien'
res = premier + 'virgule ' + deuxieme
resultat = ''
for rec in res.split():
resultat = resultat + ' ' + rec
res = resultat
return res
return amount_to_text_fr(num)

return IntOuDouble(num)

def _get_report_values(self, docids, data=None):
return {
'doc_ids': docids,
'doc_model': 'account.invoice',
'docs':docs ,
'report_type': data.get('report_type') if data else '',

Best Answer
If you want to call a python function with parameters, you can try this way.
return {
'doc_ids': docids,
'doc_model': 'account.invoice',
'docs':docs ,
'report_type': data.get('report_type') if data else '', }
then the function call from the template.
<t t-set="chiffreen"
now you will get the return value of the function in chiffreen. you can use the variable in your reports.
Author Best Answer

Thank you very much, great help thanks
