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On the module account, and on the file account_view.xml, I have a tree view "view_move_line_tree" for move lines, I want to display the result without passing by the two selection fields period and journal

On the tree view I found some xml options that make this two fields special : 

<field name="journal_id" options='{"no_open":True}' invisible="context.get('journal_id',False)"/>
<field name="period_id" options='{"no_open":True}' invisible="context.get('journal_id',False)"/>

do you have any idea how to respond to my request ?


Best Answer

FIRST OF ALL, FIND THE CAPS-LOCK KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD AND DISABLE IT. IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE YELLING FROM THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS WHEN WRITING THIS. Furthermore, have you tried creating a basic view on the object? The view you mention includes some javascript on the top of the list which is dynamically loaded in. If you create a very basic tree view and your own menu item, you should not have this loaded in. Alternatively you could override the action on the menu item to trigger a custom view that also does not include the top bar.
