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What is the purpose of the type field on account.voucher object.

I use 2 types of invoice. Payment for Sale and refund of Sale.


invoice payment type on account.invoice = 'out_invoice' account.voucher type = 'receipt'

invoice refund type on account.invoice = 'out_refund' but account.voucher type still = 'receipt'


Could someone explain? I would expect the value of type on a refund to be maybe payment?


Best Answer

There are 4 types of account.voucher:

  • INCORRECT: 'receipt' is meant for incoming funds (which include payments for out_invoice [Customer Invoice] and out_refund [Supplier Refunds])
  • INCORRECT: 'payment' is meant for outgoing funds (which include payments for in_invoice [Supplier Invoice] and in_refund [Customer Refunds])
  • 'receipt' is meant for Customer related transactions (which include payments for out_invoice [Customer Invoice] and out_refund [Customer Refunds])
  • 'payment' is meant for Supplier related transactions (which include payments for in_invoice [Supplier Invoice] and in_refund [Supplier Refunds])
  • 'sale' is meant for sale vouchers.  You can record sales using sale vouchers without having to go through sale order cycle or POS.  This is usually used in smaller companies where they don't have rigorous validation for sale process but is don't want to use POS type of interface.
  • 'purchase' is meant for purchase vouchers.  You can record purchases without having to go through purchase order cycle.  This is usually meant for direct expenses purchases with no complicated validation.

I created a refund invoice for a sales order. The type of invoice is out_refund, Based on what your saying the account.voucher should then say payment correct? Because it says receipt.

Sorry, I've mixed up vouchers and invoices and put up incorrect answer. I've updated my answer.