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3 Replies

How to create next week filter not from today's date +/- 7 days but from Monday to Sunday of next week.


This is a python question in general and does not have much to do with Odoo. Nonetheless, lookup the python docs for datetime and the gregorian calendar. You can get week information and even an entire calendar out with simple imports.


@Ludo-Neobis: You may be right but unfortunately you are not. I can do this in python to get next monday but datetime.weekday() is not supported by openerp xml, gives error and is not able to filter. next_mondy = + timedelta(days=(7 -

Best Answer

In the Advance Search, you can enter phrases like: Last Monday, Next Sunday to date fields.


@Ivan : Interesting but this won't work because I need filter between Next Monday and Next to Next Sunday. Also In Advance filter user has calendar to choose dates but I need this behaving dynamically.

Author Best Answer

I am using following code for compute next week filter, It does correct computation on python terminal but in filter it gives no result

<filter string = "Next Week" domain="[( 'date_deadline', '&gt;=', (context_today() + relativedelta(weeks=0, weekday=0)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) ,  ( 'date_deadline', '&lt;', (context_today() + relativedelta(weeks=1, weekday= 0, days = 6)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')  )]" />


It is because context_today and relativedelta are not available during the domain evaluation time.


@Ivan: but that's not right, filter for last week works

Best Answer

You define computed field next_mondy_start and next_mondy_end and use them as domain filter.


In my test system, this example, with stored fields, filter works without any problem:

<field name="domain">[('test_dt','=',True)]</field>
    def _get_dates(self):
        self.start = fields.Datetime.from_string( + relativedelta(weeks=0, weekday=0)
        self.stop = fields.Datetime.from_string( + relativedelta(weeks=0, weekday= 0, days = 6)
        self.test_dt = self.stop > self.test > self.start

    test = fields.Datetime('Date Test')  
    test_dt = fields.Boolean('Test dt',compute='_get_dates',store=True)
    start = fields.Datetime('Start',compute='_get_dates',store=True)
    stop = fields.Datetime('Stop',compute='_get_dates',store=True)

PS. start and stop fields are unnecessary




those will be stored field? how those fields will be computed every day when date changes?

Not stored. Function based on or today().


so I defined next_week_monday = fields.Date(string='Next Week Monday', compute='_get_nextweek_monday'), added field in tree view, date is computed correctly. then added in filter and it gave me error on web client "Error: Failed to evaluate search criterions: {"code":400,"message":"Evaluation Error","data":{"type":"local_exception","debug":"Local evaluation failure\nNameError: name 'next_week_monday' is not defined\n\n{\"domains\":[[],\"[('date_deadline', '

I think I was wrong. Probably filter determine SQL and those must be stored.

stored works?

Stored works without problems, answer updated.