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2 Replies

I'm trying to have odoo update the list of modules from the addons directory because I created a new module. 

I created the new module using the following command:

./ scaffold addons/module_name

I added an xml file to inherit a view, and added that file to the

I went to my running instance, and went to Settings -> Update Module List.  I got the following warning:

Warning - Cannot execute name_search, no _rec_name defined on base.module.update

and could not find my module in the list.

I tried the command listed here:

but I received another warning:

openerp.modules.loading: invalid module names, ignored: module_name

I've confirmed that I am typing the correct directory name for the module name. 

I used the correct --addons-path variable when I ran the command line. 

Does anyone have any other ideas on what I can do to make my module show up in the list?

Author Best Answer

I found out my error.  I had edited the file and there was a syntax error. 

I forgot a comma after the line

'summary': """summary/description"""

should have been

'summary': """summary/description""",

I'm surprised that odoo didn't throw an error or an exception, but at least it's working!

Best Answer

Definitely start in Odoo is a small headache.

When you go to update a module verify that is not initiated the process of Odoo.

Ok you can use in the odoo file

./openerp-server --help

And you can look at the list the commands of server. The second or third command is

-u UPDATE, --update=module

This is an example to use.

./openerp-server -u UPDATE, --update=nameOfYourModule -d nameOfDatabase

To upgrade all modules

./openerp-server -u UPDATE, --update=all -d nameOfDatabase

My personal example

./openerp-server -u UPDATE, --update=openacademy -d naro

You can use ./ instead of ./openerp-server I think it's the same.
