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I am currently facing below  error at odoo  ;

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

i am not involved in any custom module ,i am just using odoo modules and apps ,which gives me this errror.

i do not have access to directories.

how can i solve this error without consulting webmaster ?

any solution ?


Please post the logfile in your answer. This will show what is wrong! We can only guess and speculate now.

Author Best Answer

2015-02-03 05:17:18 EST ERROR:  null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
2015-02-03 05:17:18 EST DETAIL:  Failing row contains (65, null, null, null, 1, 2015-02-03 10:17:18.828003, t, 2015-02-03 10:17:18.828003, 1, f, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 83, t, t, null).
2015-02-03 05:17:18 EST STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO "crm_case_section" ("id", "alias_id", "change_responsible", "active", "use_leads", "use_opportunities", "create_uid", "write_uid", "create_date", "write_date") VALUES(nextval('crm_case_

section_id_seq'), 83, false, true, true, true, 1, 1, (now() at time zone 'UTC'), (now() at time zone 'UTC')) RETURNING id


Somebody inserted a record without a name, which violates the not-null constraint (meaning there has to be something filled in). There is no way you'll be able to fix this, you'll need to contact the Odoo admin. I presume your Odoo admin has added an empty record somehow.


ok . if i would be able to get access to server and databases .. what should i do to solve this ?

Are you getting this error everytime you are trying to reach Odoo page? If so, I think it may have something to do with some data loading (usually XML) that creates (Sales Team) model without providing name. Because if someone is trying to do this via web client, only that person will get the error. Check a couple of lines before the log that you have posted, is Odoo trying to install some module? If so, you need to have access to database or directories to get this fixed.