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Hello fellas. I am new at Odoo but it seems like it could fill my needs. This is what i want to do.I made a custom module where i will display 2 groups of invoices, depending on a custom boolean field i already made for invoice lines. (My module was related to Invoices so i could get all invoices).For this I made 2 sub-menus on my custom module.  I put them both on List view and added the booblean field to be shown (it was shown as checkbox, btw i don't need it to be edited so I'm displaying it as not editable) . Now my question is How do i make a submenu only shown the invoices with my new boolean field checked? and the other group with that boolean field unchecked?

Best Answer

The Window Action that links your Menu to your List View can be setup to have a DOMAIN which filters the records.

Take a look at the Quotations vs Orders Menus and their corresponding Window Actions in Sales, and you can see they each have a domain that specify which records to show:

This is the Orders Window Action.
