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This is a fresh install of Odoo 11.0+e-20171229. This is behind a WAF that does SSL offload and sends clear text HTTP to the Odoo server on port 8069 - if somehow this is causing it.

When using the payment method of wire transfer or making a custom one with acquirer type of wire transfer this happens:

You choose wire transfer on the payment page, when you hit "pay now" it just sends you back to the invoice page and shows a transaction with "waiting" next to it. The page where that should display the info on how to do a wire transfer / send payment never shows up. For what it's worth im pretty sure this happen one time then never worked again.

The odoo.log shows nothing that leads in the right direction from what I can tell, the only thing I see weird is this "transaction MISMATCH for invoice xxx"

This is from the odoo.log

2018-01-08 16:50:54,794 11775 INFO prod_database werkzeug: - - [08/Jan/2018 16:50:54] "POST /invoice/pay/11/form_tx/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -

2018-01-08 16:50:55,179 11775 INFO prod_database odoo.addons.payment_transfer.controllers.main: Beginning form_feedback with post data {'amount': '35.0',

'currency': 'USD',

'reference': 'INV/2018/0007',

'return_url': '/my/invoices/11?access_token=1c8684e3-437b-43b2-8724-e7c9f95b4743'}

2018-01-08 16:50:55,183 11775 INFO prod_database odoo.addons.payment_transfer.models.payment: Validated transfer payment for tx INV/2018/0007: set as pending

2018-01-08 16:50:55,187 11775 INFO prod_database odoo.addons.account_payment.models.payment: <transfer> transaction <50> processing form feedback for invoice <11>: tx ref:INV/2018/0007, tx amount: 35.0

2018-01-08 16:50:55,195 11775 WARNING prod_database odoo.addons.account_payment.models.payment: <transfer> transaction MISMATCH for invoice INV/2018/0007 (ID 11)

2018-01-08 16:50:55,195 11775 INFO prod_database odoo.addons.sale_payment.models.payment: <transfer> transaction processed: tx ref:INV/2018/0007, tx amount: 35.0

2018-01-08 16:50:55,197 11775 INFO prod_database werkzeug: - - [08/Jan/2018 16:50:55] "POST /payment/transfer/feedback HTTP/1.1" 302 -

I can't find anything in Google really regarding the payment mismatch, which im guessing could be the issue, but not sure.

Thanks for any help

Author Best Answer

Also, in Chrome/javascript debug window I see this:

DOM doesn't contain '.o_payment_form' on web.assets_frontend.js:119 

I think the above DOM error appears to be the real issue, but no clue why/how.


Best Answer

Same problem with V12 CE and same error in the console

P.S. I found the issue was I was testing the eCommerce and in the basket had a product with 0.00 price so my total was 0.00 leading to the payment form not being loaded
