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I buy and sell wire and conduit which are priced "per 1000 feet" and "per 100 feet" respectively. As an example I buy wire buy the foot, so an order might read "10,000ft of wire at a price of $80.55 per 1000 feet, totaling $805.50".  I sell this by the foot, priced as $95.75 per 1000 feet. If a customer came in and bought 230 feet the line item would read "230ft of wire priced at $95.75M (we use the roman numeral M as the unit of measure) for a total of $22.02". I don't think Odoo can do this. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

we sell most of our items with a price-quantity basis of 100. We have not been able to solve this in the standard and have had special programming done.
Internally, we always calculate with a quantity of 1 with 6 digits after the decimal point. If the price-quantity unit "100" is selected, this is only changed in the display and not in the internal calculation. This works well and saves a deep system intervention, because Odoo calculates everywhere with price unit 1.


It's early days for our implementation of Odoo so I'm trying to avoid special programming but that's good to know it's possible. Using (and displaying) 5 or 6 place decimal precision works fine for the per 100 and per 1000 products, it's just not a good customer experience for all the other items we have that are priced each. All of our pricelists use calculated discounts so I'm concerned everything will have prices like $4.00120 or something like that. I haven't looked to see if I can set rounding in my price lists to avoid this for select items. If rounding is possible on pricelists perhaps I can utilize that functionality to set rounding by product category or something and in that way at least not have fractional pennies at the end of EACH priced items. Thanks for your reply.

Best Answer

Since your UoM and Qty is in Ft, you would need to provide unit price for Ft.. i.e cost $ 0.08055 or sales price $0.09575

Alternate is to have UoM and unit price for MFT while qty being sold would be 0.925

The price per unit needs to be of the UoM, to calculate line total (Qty * price per unit). If the MFT price is for information purpose, you could probably include it in product description.


That is what we are currently trying out, using the 5 decimal place pricing. It will work fine, it just doesn't look as elegant and the vast majority of items we sell we only want/need 2 decimal precision. Thanks for your reply.

Author Best Answer

Thanks for the reply. I am not asking for any kind of conversion or multiple pricing. There is simply one price that I buy it at $80.55 per 1000ft and one price I sell it at $95.75 per 1000ft. The challenge is completely in the "per 1000" as a PRICE unit of measure. Below is a section of an actual purchase order from our current FileMaker database so you can see what I'm trying to replicate (albeit with different pricing).

Best Answer


If I got you well, you want to have different price per unit based on quantity.

This can be achieved with Pricelists. There you'll define for a specific product based on minimum quantity.

Let's say for the product "wire", 10$ standard price; 9.75$ if minimum 100ft;  9.70 if minimum 1000ft.

The additional price may also be expressed in % of discount from standard price.

You'll need to activate advanced pricelist in order to achieve this.

You can get more details here:

Hope this helps


Hi, Thanks for your reply. I can't get an image into a comment so I had to "answer" my own question to reply to you. Please look at my new post on this subject for more details and an example of what we are trying to replicate.

Ok, I get a better understanding.

You can create a new Unit of measure in the proper category (typically Lenght).
You set it as "1000 ft" or "MFT" if that's more accurate.
I guess your reference unit is ft, than it would be "greater than reference" "ratio = 1000".
On your product yuo set your unit as "MFT" for both sales and purchase unit.

That should do the trick.


This does work however 1000 ft becomes a quantity of 1. This leads to qualities not divisible by 1000 become a decimal quantity (e.g. 750ft becomes 0.75 MFT and 2,355ft becomes 2.355 MFT). This is an option we can consider but it's less than ideal. Thanks for your reply!