The price on sale order is not working when I change the UOM.
I have the following configuration on sale:
Unit of measure: Some products may be sold/purchased in different units of measure (Advanced)
Sale Price: Advaced pricing based on formulas (discounts, margins, rounding)
Discount: Allow discounts on sale order lines
I have kg as the Reference UOM for weight and "10 kg" as:
Category: Weight
Type: Bigger...
Bigger ratio: 10.0
I have the following Product:
Sale price: 100
Unit of measure: kg
Purchase UOM: kg
My pricelist:
Discount policy: Show public price & discount to the customer
All products - 10% discount
My sale order with default UOM it's OK:
UOM: kg, Unit price:100, discount %:10, subtotal: 90
But my sale order when I change my UOM:
UOM: 10 kg, Unit price:90, discount %:0, subtotal: 90
There are two problems:
1) It doesn't change the unit price, it should be 100*10 (for UOM 10kg)
2) The discount gets included in the unit price, the unit price is 90 and should be 100*10 and the discount is 0 and should by 10.
Is there a configuration that I'm doing wrong or is it a bug??