Hi, I am new here.
I'd like to build a new theme for OpenERP 6.1. Which is the right way?
I'd like to build a responsive theme, also using bootstrap if it is possible, and I like to substitute all tables in HTML (for example in the header) with div blocks.
Is it this possible or is it some kind of utopia in my mind?
I have also seen this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOfJXgu1niw on YouTube. How can I enable the theme selector?
I hope someone will help me in this adventure...
Thank you so much (sorry for my English).
Yes, I am serious.
Some work realities are still using 6.1, mostly in Italy where the trading system is most complex compared to other.
Most of the feature of OpenERP 6.1 were lost with the newer versions... Not all are willing to change every year their ERP system.
I need to develop a theme for OpenERP 6.1. Do you know if is it possible? Thank you.
I can't see a reason why it should not be possible. It's a web client. The same thing was done by Odoo with the web client of Odoo 9.0 Enterprise and Openworx with 9.0 Community.
With CSS 2.1 media types were available for responsive design and with CSS 3 media queries (already in 2010, before the development of the Odoo Web Client. More about this in an article from 2010: https://alistapart.com/article/responsive-web-design
Ok is possible, but I am pretty new with OpenERP 6.1 and I do not know which is the right way to do that. Have I to create a module? Have I to modify the Web module directly? Thank you.