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3 Replies

Hi all,
i am a newbie working on Odoo14 Enterprise
When i am on Partner details and click on "Create an opportunity" i get a permission denied

You are not allowed to access 'Finestra azione' (ir.actions.act_window) records. This operation is allowed for the following groups: - Administration/Settings Contact your administrator to request access if necessary.

I modified something on window actions but i don't know what

Someone can help me to restore? thanks


Did you find the solution yet?

Best Answer

Hi, If you or some one still got this issue like i've faced in odoo 15, then you guys can follow my solution:

First, create new user group and assign your user to that user group.

Here's how you can create new user group by code, other things you can do in admin without coding:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data noupdate="0">
<!-- create new user group category -->
<record model="ir.module.category" id="z_mrp_production_for_baan_group_category">
<field name="name">MRP Production For Baan Category</field>
<field name="description">MRP Production For Baan Category</field>
<!-- sequence is the order of this user group in user detail page -->
<field name="sequence">99</field>

<!-- create new user group -->
<record id="z_mrp_production_for_baan_access_to_view" model="res.groups">
<field name="name">MRP Production For Baan Access To View</field>
<!-- based on above category (z_mrp_production_for_baan_group_category) -->
<field name="category_id" ref="z_mrp_production_for_baan_group_category"/>

Upgrade the module to make this work.

Then you go to Settings -> Security -> Access Right -> search “act_window”, you will see 3 records that use user group “administration / settings”, duplicate those 3 records and assign your user group to that.

That's the idea.

How to duplicate? Follow this instruction:

Click on "Action Window" on "Model" Column, you will see an External Link show up, click on it to open "ir.actions.act_window" model popup => go to "access right" tab => create new record with your created user group above.

Done. Don't forget to restart the server after this just to make sure everything work good.


Do not create access right by code for "ir.actions.act_window" because it will causing an issue about can't find the model.

Also, Do not assign your user to user group “administration / settings” because that will make that user can see the "Settings" menu.

Thanks for reading, hope it's help you guys.


Thanks, It Works For me

Best Answer

for odoo 16

Step 1: Create a user group and assign users
Step 2: Go To Setting --> Technical --> Security --> Access RIght
Step 3: Search for act_window (You Will get three records)
Step 4:Click external link of Group (any of the three)
Step 5: Add a line and select user
Save and restart server
Worked for me :)

Best Answer

Step 1: Create a user group and assign users
Step 2: Go To Setting --> Technical --> Security --> Access RIght
Step 3: Search for act_window (You Will get three records)
Step 4: Duplicate Each Record and assign the group (created in 1st step)
That's All
