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Hello all,

I'm running Odoo v8 on my VPS server (centOS).

I've noticed than Odoo still uses "admin" as a password for admin_passwd.

It does not take into account neither  /etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf nor in /home/odoo/odoo/conf/odoo_server.conf where it's written something else (see below).

For example if I try to backup a database, my customized password won't work, whereas "admin" works well... :'(

Thanks for your help

cat /home/odoo/odoo/conf/odoo_server.conf |grep admin_passwd
#; admin_passwd = admin
admin_passwd = MySecretPasswd

cat /etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf |grep admin_passwd
#; admin_passwd = admin
admin_passwd = MySecretPasswd

Best Answer

This looks like an installation mess, do you have more than one installation on your server? Check the Odoo service file for the Odoo launch command and look for the config file which is assigned there as a parameter. Change the admin password in this configuration file.

If you do not specify a configuration file when launching Odoo, Odoo starts with the default configuration file $HOME/.openerp_serverrc, therefore it is recommended to create your own configuration file and specify it as a launch parameter, see the documentation here:


Hi and thanks. I think there has been an old installation with apt-get install, but the actual, running one has been done following the doc

Here is the command we use to launch Odoo (which works well, by the way) :

python /home/odoo/odoo/openerp-server --logfile=/var/log/odoo/odoo.log

how can I see what conf. file is used ? I can't see any in the /var/log/odoo/odoo.log

Thanks a lot

See my amended answer.


Thanks a lot ! I didn't have a .openerp_serverrc so I copied the openerp-server.conf file here and it works ! Cheers !

That is nasty and not recommended. In this case, you should only append the proper configuration parameter to your launch command, see