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Been through Bitnami support who referred to Odoo. I have users with Apple laptops reporting frequent "400 bad requests' during log-in. Production is Odoo v12 CE over a global AWS network. Bitnami support pulled this from log:

From the Odoo log files, I see the following GET errors:

$ grep -oE 'GET .*" (50\d|40\d) ' bitnami-odoo-info-20190603-082909-21151/apps/odoo/log/production.log | sort -u
GET /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png HTTP/1.1" 404
GET /apple-touch-icon.png HTTP/1.1" 404
GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404
GET /web/image HTTP/1.1" 404
GET /web/image/website/1/favicon/ HTTP/1.1" 500

Im guessing the apple touch 404's are coming from an iphone or equivalent. The website/1 from a Chrome browser?

At present, Every login produces a 500 internal server error for Favicon file from 27/02/2017 on Apache 2. 

Any assist greatly appreciated. User confidence very low and management want to shop around for alternatives. 

The other reported grip is being logged out of an Odoo session after 10 seconds of inactivity???


This all sounds to me like a bad setup and deployment. I recommend you to set up and deploy Odoo properly by following closely the Odoo documentation about setup and deployment. Check also your Apache configuration.

Without any useable information about your setup, deployment and configuration and proper logs it is not possible to provide help.

Otherwise I recommend to your management to shop for a renowned Odoo partner to get professional help.

Best Answer

What is your file favicon file type extension? .png? If it's .ico, it's for windows so maybe you're having problems there.

1. Delete your favicon file and see if problem still exists.

2. Rename favicon file to .png to see if problem exists

How did you install it/set it up? I dont think it's an odoo problem, it would have been mass reporting of this if it was the case. I think someone set it up incorrectly.
