1) Imported products into Odoo 9.
2) Exported products to obtain Product Id.
This gives __export__.product_template_180 thru __export__.product_template_189 for the products
3) Create import csv file
name line_ids/product_qty line_ids/location_id/id line_ids/product_id/id line_ids/product_uom_id/id
Assign product ids from (2) to line_ids/product_id/id and relevant qty
4) Go to Inventory > Inventory Control > Inventory Adjustments and import file
5) Export outcome of (4)
6) Successfully imported quantities for the first 8 products but although the final two product ids and qty are
as imported they have been attached to products
__export__.product_template_190 and __export__.product_template_191 from (2) export
Is the database corrupt and if so how can I repair? Or, is there another explanation?