I have this wizard where I select date :
<record id="wizard_forecast_invoice_date_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">wizard.forecast.invoice.date.form</field>
<field name="model">custom_accounting.wizard_forecast_due_collection</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Date for Forecast Due Collection">
<separator string="Date for Forecast Due Collection"/>
<label string="This will list all open customer invoices that are on or before the Due Date selected"/>
<field name="before_date"/>
<button name="forecast_due_collection" string="Okay" type="object" class="btn-primary" context="{'before_date': before_date}"/>
<button special="cancel" string="Cancel" class="btn-default"/>
Where I want to send this date value to new class like this :
class WizardForecastDueCollection(models.TransientModel):
before_date = fields.Date(string='Before Date', required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)
def forecast_due_collection(self):
ac = self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('custom_accounting.view_forecast_invoice_date_report_pivot')
return {
'name': 'ForecastInvoiceDateReport',
'view_type': 'form',
'res_model': 'custom_accounting.forecast_invoice_date_report',
'view_id': ac,
'context': {'default_before_date': self.before_date},
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'pivot',
'domain': [('date_invoice', '<=', self.before_date)]
And here's the class which should receive the value to execute the query :
class ForecastInvoiceDateReport(models.Model):
_name = "custom_accounting.forecast_invoice_date_report"
_description = "Forecast Invoices Date Report"
date_maturity = fields.Date(string='Due Date', readonly=True)
date_invoice = fields.Date(string='Invoice Date', readonly=True)
before_date = fields.Date(store=False, default=lambda s: fields.Date.context_today(s))
country = fields.Char('Country', readonly=True)
sales_person_name = fields.Char('Sales Person', readonly=True)
partner_name = fields.Char('Customer', readonly=True)
state = fields.Char('State', readonly=True)
city = fields.Char('City', readonly=True)
debit = fields.Float("Debit", readonly=True)
credit = fields.Float("Credit", readonly=True)
amount_residual = fields.Float("Balance", digits_compute=dp.get_precision('accounting_financial_report_dp'),
duration = fields.Char('Duration', readonly=True)
invoice_number = fields.Char('Invoice Number', readonly=True)
_auto = False
_rec_name = 'date_maturity'
_depends = {
'account.move': ['id', 'name'],
'account.move.line': ['move_id', 'date_maturity'],
'res.currency.rate': ['currency_id', 'name'],
'res.partner': ['country_id', 'state_id', 'city'],
'account.invoice': ['date_invoice'],
def _select(self):
select_str = """
row_number() OVER () as id, duration, date_invoice, date_maturity,
country,state,city, sales_person_name, concat(partner_name,'(', Payment_Term, ')') partner_name ,
balance,amount_residual, debit,credit,invoice_number
when "account_move_line".date_maturity is null Then 'No Date'
when (%s-ai.date_invoice) <30 then 'b# 0-30 days'
else 'Older'
END as duration, ai.date_invoice as date_invoice, "account_move_line".date_maturity as date_maturity,
res_country.name as country,res_country_state.name as state,res_partner.city as city,
new_rp.name as "sales_person_name", res_partner.name as "partner_name", res_partner.id as "partner_id1",
COALESCE(SUM("account_move_line".balance), 0) AS balance,
COALESCE(SUM("account_move_line".amount_residual), 0) AS amount_residual,
COALESCE(SUM("account_move_line".debit), 0) AS debit,
COALESCE(SUM("account_move_line".credit), 0) AS credit,
"account_move_line__move_id".name AS invoice_number
FROM "account_move" as "account_move_line__move_id","account_move_line"
LEFT JOIN res_partner on "account_move_line".partner_id = res_partner.id
LEFT JOIN res_country on res_partner.country_id = res_country.id
LEFT JOIN res_country_state on res_partner.state_id = res_country_state.id
LEFT JOIN res_users on res_partner.user_id = res_users.id
LEFT JOIN res_partner as new_rp on res_users.partner_id = new_rp.id
INNER JOIN account_account as aa on "account_move_line"."account_id"=aa.id
INNER JOIN account_invoice as ai on "account_move_line"."invoice_id"=ai.id
INNER JOIN account_account_type as aat on aat.id = aa.user_type_id
WHERE ("account_move_line"."move_id"="account_move_line__move_id"."id")
AND ((((
(aat.type = 'receivable') and account_move_line__move_id.state='posted' and
("account_move_line"."reconciled" IS NULL or "account_move_line"."reconciled" = false ))
) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted'))
when "account_move_line".date_maturity is null Then 'No Date'
when (%s-ai.date_invoice) <30 then 'b# 0-30 days'
else 'Older'
, new_rp.name , res_partner.name, res_country.name,res_country_state.name,res_partner.city,res_users.login,
order by 3
) as q1
left join
SELECT Substr(res_id,13) partner_id2,Substr(value_reference,22) Payment_Term_Id,pt.name Payment_Term
FROM public.ir_property ir join account_payment_term pt on pt.id = cast(Substr(value_reference,22) as integer)
where ir.name ='property_payment_term_id'
) as q2 on q1.partner_id1 = cast(q2.partner_id2 as integer)
""" %(self.before_date, self.before_date)
return select_str
_table = 'custom_forecast_invoices_date_view'
def init(self, cr):
# self._table = account_invoice_report
tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, self._table)
cr.execute("""CREATE or REPLACE VIEW %s as (
WITH currency_rate AS (%s)
)""" % (
self._table, self.pool['res.currency']._select_companies_rates(),
It works fine if I replace the field before_date by current_date in sql query, But if I set parameters instead, I can't get the expected value.
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I got it,
Just re-run the query in wizard class , that's all :)
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