In Odoo am aware about the process of Incoming & Outgoing mails.
For all the incoming Mails, we can set an action to create it as new lead or etc.
Similarly, we can send the mails from Odoo, say Quotation with Reference of Order Number as Mail Subject.
So those 2 things are working pretty good, however I would like to fetch the replied mail as well.
Consider this example:
From Sale Order: Odoo sends mail to its customer, Mail Subject will be "S00005".
Customer replies back to the same mail, accordingly the Mail Subject will be "Re:S00005"
Now Odoo rejects this replied mail as duplicate, by stating the below message.
"openerp.addons.mail.models.mail_thread: Ignored mail from Administrator <> to with Message-Id ... found duplicated Message-Id during processing"
So is there any possible way to overcome this.