I tried using stock.quant in Odoo 8, for one product in each location it get record lines per incoming date, meaning that every time a stock incoming it will be recorded as one line/record in stock.quant. Compared to Odoo 15, each record line for stock.quant is immediately calculated as 1 line/record.
In Location A
Product A --> updated in 1 February 2023, 5 qty, part price $10
Product A --> updated in 3 February 2023, 2 qty, part price $5
In stock.quant Odoo 8 will shown as :
Product Quantity Location Incoming Date Value
Product A 5 Location A 1 February 2023 $10
Product A 2 Location A 3 February 2023 $5
But in Odoo 15 it will be shown as:
Product Quantity Location Value
Product A 7 Location A $15
How to use it in Odoo 15 to be the same as Odoo 8?