How do you set a value for a group field such as product.group_product_variant? It is partially working with the following record, but the field does not get a checkbox indicating True was flagged.
<record model="res.groups" id="base.group_system">
<field name="key">product.group_product_variant</field>
<field name="value">True</field>
<field name="implied_ids" eval="[
(4, ref('product.group_product_variant'))
Additionally, I'm noticing that for
sale_note = fields.Text(related='company_id.sale_note', string="Terms & Conditions", readonly=False)<function model="ir.config_parameter" name="set_param" eval="('company_id.sale_note', 'TODO: Finalize terms and conditions.')" />Does not work either.
I'm referring to documentation found at:
It appears that the appropriate base group was group_user.
<record model="res.groups" id="base.group_user">
<field name="implied_ids" eval="[
(4, ref('product.group_product_variant'))
Works as desired.
<function model="ir.config_parameter" name="set_param" eval="('company_id.sale_note', 'TODO: Finalize terms and conditions.')" />
still does not produce a working override