Hi, we have a Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit all-in-one installation v6.1 running on a separate machine to our OpenERP v7 Ubuntu installation.
While trying to install the "library" module from Tiny on v6.1, we received the "ImportError: No module named mx" error.
Having followed other questions to this topic from this forum, we installed Python 2.5 and psycopg2-2.5.win32-py2.5-pg9.2.4-release.exe. We still got the "ImportError: No module named mx" error when installing the "library" module.
We then installed the egenix mx base with "egenix-mx-base-3.2.6.win32-py2.5.msi" but still get the same error. (There is no python 2.5 version of this for x64 but we presume the 32 bit should also work)
It looks as if OpenERP v6.1 does not realize that the above modules have been installed.
Any ideas where we are going wrong or how to tell OpenERP that the modules mx are actually there?