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i have modified slae.order report to display the sales order line when the quantity is not zero using the code below

<tr t-att-class="'bg-200 font-weight-bold o_line_section' if line.display_type == 'line_section' else 'font-italic o_line_note' if line.display_type == 'line_note' else ''">
<t t-if="line.product_uom_qty != 0">

this is working well while i am printing the quotation but the line still displaying in the customer preview .

how can i hide the sales order lines when quantity is zero in the customer preview

Best Answer

hello Mohamed, 

Qweb report and customer preview has two different templates. so the condition which you have added for Qweb template that same condition you need to add for customer preview template also.

You can find this file sale_portal_templates.xml in sale module and search for this id="sales_order_table". where you need to add your condition.
