H i everyone, I am using an Odoo 10 and I encountered an error(see error below) and I don't know what this means. This error occurred when I made a customized template for the vendor bill report. Would anyone know the solution to this? thanks!
Error to render compiling AST MissingError: (u'Record does not exist or has been deleted. ', None) Template: 1176 Path: / templates / t / t / t / t [1] Node: <t t-call = "account.report_vendor_bill_header" t-lang = "o.partner_id.lang" />
My code:
<template id = "report_vendor_bill">
<t t-call = "report.html_container">
<t-foreach = "docs" t-as = "o">
<t t-call = "account_custom.report_vendor_bill_header" t-lang = "o.partner_id.lang" />
<t t-call = "account_custom.report_vendor_bill_document" t-lang = "o.partner_id.lang" />