Hi all
My boss give me a task to migrate a OpenERP V6 DB that have CRM installed on it and have CRM data to migrate it to V8 without any loss of the data
I need to know how to implement something like that or how to move the data and update the database from v6 to v8
update 1 :
i tried to use openupgrade ,, i have downloaded migrate.py and run command python migrate.py --config=[openerp-server.conf] --database=[kamel] --run-migrations=7.0
but i alawys got an error
No user found in configuration
and here is my openerp-server.conf:
; This is the password that allows database operations:
admin_passwd = admin
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = odoo
db_password = odoo
addons_path = /Users/mostafa/Documents/odoo-develop/odoo8/addons,/Users/mostafa/Documents/odoo-develop/net2do_work,/Users/mostafa/Documents/odoo-develop/more_net2do,/Users/mostafa/Documents/odoo-develop/freelance_work,/Users/mostafa/Documents/odoo-develop/custom_addons
pg_path= /usr/local/bin