Hello All.
I have many pbs after a server migration (I'he save and restore with odoo tools). Below, 2 examples.
I'he modify the /etc/odoo/server config file to enable modules...
Whet did a do wrong ?
Creating users :
AttributeError: Le champ `cat_user_ids` n'existe pas
Contexte de l'erreur :
Vue `res.users.form`
[view_id: 153, xml_id: base.view_users_form, model: res.users, parent_id: n/a]
Contracts :
AttributeError: Le champ `recurring_total_amount` n'existe pas Contexte de l'erreur : Vue `account.analytic.account.list` [view_id: 472, xml_id: account.view_account_analytic_account_list, model: account.analytic.account, parent_id: n/a]