I want to show float_time widget in hh:mm:ss format. Today i have found V8 module which makes such changes, but what module dont work in V9. as i see where are some differences between v8 and v9 in the original formats.js file.
odoo v8
(function() {
instance.web.format_value = function (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) {
odoo v9
odoo.define('web.formats', function (require) { "use strict";
function format_value (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) {
so i think because of these differences old module inheritance dont work properly, maybe someone knows how to correctly inherit js files in odoo V9 ?
in old module it was made like this
openerp.module_name = function(instance){
original_format_value = instance.web.format_value;
instance.web.format_value = function (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) {
switch (descriptor.widget || descriptor.type || (descriptor.field && descriptor.field.type)) {
thanks in advace!