I am trying to connect a python script to update certain data online. We are using odoorpc https://pythonhosted.org/OdooRPC.
Basically, we try to connect and send data from our National Instrument Device -> Labview -> python code -> OdooRPC -> Odoo.
So we need to do the qc test in work order module (attachment sc1) by creating new test at quality module (attachment sc2). Im able to get it done, but the "qty_remaining" data in work order is not decreasing.
Directly input the data from quality check, the data will not affect the work order.
Example : Have 10 quantities need to go through quantity check. If validate from work order (No matter passed or failed), it will create the data in quality check, and the work order will show 9 quantities left.
But if directly input the data from quality check (Eg : created 3 quantities with passed in quality check) using odoorpc. Back to the work order, it still show 10 quantities need to be validate from quality check.
How can I do it the right way? do I need to update qty_remaining data manually?