I have set a POS to sell books(Odoo-v8.0). My case scenerio is as follows:
The assumption is that we have 6 different types of books. I create these, then enter the cost price and the selling price. I then go to Inventory adjustments and enter the initial quantities.
I am using the default template chart of accounts.
The Stock Input Account is configured as "Stock" - Created This
The Stock Output Account is configured as Cost of Goods Sold For all products.
Now , when i go to accounts, why is the stock valuation (From inventory) not posted to accounts?
I make a sale of two books and see very confusing movements...even in the chart of accounts...A post to debtors, despite the fact that it's a cash sale...then the sales shows a negative figure...-800...cost of sales.... 0. I had entered the Cost Price and the Sale price for the Items...Why this? Anyone will to guide me where i could be going wrong? I can port forward my IP on the router.
How do we go about the initial configuration...in the case where it is an existing business?
Is the default chart of accounts defective?
Still on the same note...after going through Warehouse > Inventory Control > Inventory Adjustments and even Validating the Inventory, why is that the product quantities are not updated...from sales->Products or Warehouse->Products ?