Hi everyone,
i try to inherit this qweb : website_sale.productsSearchBar.autocomplete
Here is my code :
in manifest : 'qweb': ['static/src/xml/website_search_box.xml',],
Sorry i could not add code in this forum i don't understant why!!!
Also i add it wothout < and > :
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
templates xml:space="preserve"
t t-extend="website_sale.productsSearchBar.autocomplete"
t t-jquery=".px-3" t-operation="replace"
t t-set="description" t-value="widget.displayDescription and product['description_sale']"/
h6 t-attf-class="font-weight-bold #{description ? '' : 'mb-0'}" t-esc="product['s_lib_ecommerce']"/
p t-if="description" class="mb-0" t-esc="description"/
But nothing happend
If i add a syntax error, there is no error also i think that my file is not taking into account
I tried to change templates by template
I tried other syntax for t-jquery or with this new syntax:
t t-inherit="website_sale.productsSearchBar.autocomplete" t-inherit-mode="extension">
But nothing happen
Can somebody help me!!
make sure you already add xml file in manifest
'qweb': ['path/your_xml_file.xml'],
Hi Imron,
Thank you but i'm not sure to understand your answer.
As i said, i added this line in manifest : 'qweb': ['static/src/xml/website_search_box.xml',],
Is there an other thing to do in manifest ?