I want to insert the widget many2many on my form.
model.py :
x_membre_interne = fields.Many2many("res.users", string="many2many_tags", readonly=0, website_form_blacklisted=0, Store=True)
my template.xml :
<div class="col-md-7 col-sm-8 ">
<field name="x_membre_interne" widget="many2many_tags" />
<select id="membre_interne" name="x_membre_interne" widget='many2many_tags' class="form-control o_form_input_dropdown" >
<option value="" >Sélectionnez...</option>
<t t-foreach="users" t-as="user">
<option t-att-name="x_membre_interne" widget="many2many_tags" t-att-value="user.login" >
<t t-esc="user.login"/>
But there is no <field name=field_name/> in my template, i don't know where to put it
Can someone help me please ?