hello everyone ! i'm trying to use the send_mail function of account.invoice. and need to know what does the function do, i mean i've seen the code and still don't get some parts, like action_invoice_sent()
ctx = dict( default_model='account.invoice', default_res_id=self.id, default_use_template=bool(template), default_template_id=template.id, default_composition_mode='comment', mark_invoice_as_sent=True, )and then in send_mail()
def send_mail(self):
context = self._context
if context.get('default_model') == 'account.invoice' and \
context.get('default_res_id') and context.get('mark_invoice_as_sent'):
invoice = self.env['account.invoice'].browse(context['default_res_id'])
invoice = invoice.with_context(mail_post_autofollow=True)
invoice.write({'sent': True})
invoice.message_post(body=_("Invoice sent"))
return super(mail_compose_message, self).send_mail()
Can anyone explain to me the process of sending an email in odoo till i can be able to use it ...
Hope this will helps: https://goo.gl/z16PBZ