Connection Test Failed! Here is what we got instead:
5.7.14 <
5.7.14 6sf1DcIZ8SWuxqb7NpI-cGW9oINO0v-ii769-VaUmY6jF7M644ARVyKq-s06Qa9OmxEtgA
5.7.14 e20UJ4ZpQDFEuIp2foWN_-hk3KLgHnaGl_ofcUr3UiDEaiMC0_g-XbciONqFj5n8g78VcF
5.7.14 sB53ox-DMQg7gYtiEeP-AC8xWIcTMRmoReV3zcx3e8iAGI0cYj7V4JeBMXBl-xKlOh3GqD
5.7.14 vA7TC2BiTgMqR470yN-VjJvzmk0YUFVO2nf3epTGYCymlOu1h1hHFZ_thKXGbY6O8MOKSu
5.7.14 4SqXfTChyv6ATuatnzFUoG77TDlSVnzM4Ct42M2voVBgth0tiA6xhiy_jMnJUaaiGuUopf
5.7.14 ocOL2cHLmhFz1OEHpjdHAEughlS2_teRJ1es_5Q8vc9CNBEFPh06cSxd7lX5YeRCwhhWUI
5.7.14 bSg2UW_8tRXjdrq4EU9JQ0na0TK8z4Zxp_dNbrBeEttOYA3gjpo5B93iW9tcdfSpqjWnBs
5.7.14 DP9t0> Please log in via your web browser and then try again.
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5.7.14 127-v6sm16694896wmb.30 - gsmtp
can any body help me the correct one of connecting in email. i used localhost only
guys thanks for the rply. i connected it already you need to change the settings in gmail. now my question is. in outlook and yahoo. how to connect?? you need to create new set up for that or what?? pls let me know?
Please specify how you tried to connect to Odoo. Otherwise I don't think anyone will be able to help you
have you tried this,