hope u fine. Well, i'm new in odoo. I just installed the 8 version with hr payroll module.
I have a serious configuration problem about the salary rules. I would like to to create this excel formula in odoo 8 hr payroll - salary rules in the computation part:
SI (taxable wage base>=250001; (taxable wage base-250001)*0,3+52800; SI(taxable wage base >=170001;(taxable wage base -170001)*0,27+31200; SI(taxable wage base >=120001;(taxable wage base -120001)*0,24+19200; SI(taxable wage base >=80001;(taxable wage base -80001)*0,21+10800; SI(taxable wage base >=50001;(taxable wage base -50001)*0,19+5100; SI(taxable wage base >=30001;(taxable wage base -30001)*0,17+1700; SI(taxable wage base >=20001;( taxable wage base -20001)*0,1+700;SI(Base Imposable >=10001;(taxable wage base -10001)*0,05+200;0))))))))
Help please