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I have all my raw material of the BOM available in stock, but it is not confirming the availability checking so that I cannot continue with the MO.

How to troubleshoot that???

Best regards

Best Answer

Hi Vermont: Check whether the stock is available at the correct location.


Hi Paresh

Thank you fr your help.

I have one signe whare house and three locations (Negative cold store, Positive cold Store and Store)

in which location should I have my stock? How to move from one location to another one if needed??

Kind regards

Hi Vermont:

It depends on how your system is configured. Go to Inventory > Configuration > Operations Types and open the operation type for "Manufacturing". Check the value of "Default Source Location". This is the location from which the stock will be checked/pulled for manufacturing.

You can transfer stock from one location to another by using an "Internal Transfer". Go to Inventory > Operations > Transfers and create a new transfer. Select an Operation Type of Internal Transfers for your Warehouse and then select the appropriate source and destination location. (NOTE: Make sure you select Operation Type before updating the source and destination location because selecting the Operation Type resets the locations.)

Hope that helps.