When trying to access a list of a module (with existing records that i imported from another odoo server) I didn't develop i'm getting:
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/odoo/lib/odoo-13.0.post20200815-py3.7.egg/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_ui_view.py", line 614, in raise_view_error raise ValueError(message) ValueError: Field `x_y` does not exist Error Context: View `n/a` [view_id: n/a, xml_id: n/a, model: n/a, parent_id: n/a]
My question is, how can I tackle this? since I didn't developed (the project seems abandoned by the author) it but have access to the code I was considering:
- Changing the view to not include the `x_y` field, I've done this, but don't know how to tell odoo to 'recompile' xml file. Not sure how I'd reload the module was I make these changes, I'm not a python dev but i've been reading that i may need to recompile all the addon?
- Reinstalling the module, I've also tried this but I get: `"could not serialize access due to concurrent update"`
- Updating models in the DB directly cause i think the addon is not taking into account when the `x_y` field is empty, so explicitly set it in the DB something like: `if model.x_y == null then model.x_y = '' (empty string)`
I'm not sure why this is giving an error cause on the former server the view could be accessed correctly, not sure if it is related to the former server been a normal Odoo installation and the later been a Bitnami installation, therefore some paths and configs been different. I think the mentioned addon is installed correctly because other views can be accessed correctly
I'm starting with odoo so i'm not sure if the approaches above are the ones to follow, I'd appreciate some guidance here, thanks