Hello,i need some help,do you know how to change the background image's login of odoov8?i've already developed a theme custom module and i've tried to replace the image; this is code :
<template id="login_layout" name="My Theme Login" inherit_id="web.login_layout">
<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form_footer']" position="replace">
<div class="oe_single_form_footer">Powered by T</div><!-- it works-->
<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form']" position="replace">
<div class="oe_single_form">
<img src="/static/src/img/logo.png'" alt="My Theme Logo" title="My Theme Logo" /> </div> </xpath></template>
but the error i get is: Element '<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form']">' cannot be located in parent view
and its so logic cause in the inherit template unlike the "oe_single_form_footer" the "oe_single_form" its not in a div balise(sorry am new with odoo):
<template id="web.login_layout" name="Login Layout">
<t t-call="web.layout">
<t t-set="head">
<link href="/web/static/src/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/web/static/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<t t-set="body_classname" t-value="'oe_single_form'"/>
<div class="oe_single_form_container modal-content">
<div class="oe_single_form_logo">
<img t-attf-src="/web/binary/company_logo{{ '?dbname='+db if db else '' }}"/>
<t t-raw="0"/>
<div class="oe_single_form_footer" t-if="not disable_footer">
<t t-if="not disable_database_manager">
<a class="oe_login_manage_db" t-attf-href="/web/database/manager{{ '?debug' if debug else '' }}">Manage Databases</a>
<span class="oe_footer_seperator"> | </span> </t> <a href="https://www.odoo.com" target="_blank">Powered by <span>Odoo</span></a> </div> </div> </t> </template>
any suggestion?