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Hello,i need some help,do you know how to change the background image's login of odoov8?i've already developed a theme custom module and i've tried to replace the image; this is code :

<template id="login_layout" name="My Theme Login" inherit_id="web.login_layout">

<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form_footer']" position="replace">

<div class="oe_single_form_footer">Powered by T</div><!-- it works-->


<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form']" position="replace">

<div class="oe_single_form">

<img src="/static/src/img/logo.png'" alt="My Theme Logo"  title="My Theme Logo" /> </div> </xpath>&lt;/template>

but the error i get is: Element '&lt;xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form']">' cannot be located in parent view

and its so logic cause in the inherit template unlike the "oe_single_form_footer" the "oe_single_form" its not in a div balise(sorry am new with odoo):

<template id="web.login_layout" name="Login Layout">

<t t-call="web.layout">

<t t-set="head">

<link href="/web/static/src/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<link href="/web/static/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"/>


<t t-set="body_classname" t-value="'oe_single_form'"/>

<div class="oe_single_form_container modal-content">

<div class="oe_single_form_logo">

<img t-attf-src="/web/binary/company_logo{{ '?dbname='+db if db else '' }}"/>



<t t-raw="0"/>

<div class="oe_single_form_footer" t-if="not disable_footer">

<t t-if="not disable_database_manager">

<a class="oe_login_manage_db" t-attf-href="/web/database/manager{{ '?debug' if debug else '' }}">Manage Databases</a>

<span class="oe_footer_seperator"> | </span> </t> <a href="" target="_blank">Powered by <span>Odoo</span></a> </div> </div> </t> </template>

any suggestion?

Best Answer

You can use these apps (search apps in odoo apps by names provided below) to change the whole login page style.

Moreover, these apps provide the ability to define your own favicon and logo as you wish.

Apps Name:

Minimalist Login Form

Creative Login Form

Advanced Login Form

Best Answer

You have to write

<template id="yourThemeName-login" inherit_id="web.login" name="You can write the name of your theme">
    <xpath expr="//body/div[@id='wrapwrap']" position="attributes">
        <attribute name="style">background-color: #333;</attribute>