I need help because i want to show on my " report_saleorder_document" at the bottom, under the "<p t-field="doc.note"/>, my IBAN and my BIC.
I've already succeed to customize the header and footer from "external_layout_standard" with the "company.[field]" but i've never understood how does Odoo know to which company i am talking about and how the query are executed to get informations from database. Moreover the tables and columns are not written like the views: i am talking about "_" replace by ".".
To conclude i need to add before the footer but next the "sale.oder note" something like:
Coordonnées bancaires: IBAN [myIBAN] - BIC [myBIC]
Add to this, i've already registered my bank account to my company like this:
Contacts --> MyCompany --> Sales & Order --> Paiement --> Bank Account
There i've added my account number: Field="acc_number" and Object="res.partner.bank"
And already added a bank: "bank_id" with BIC's field: bic and object res.bank.
I wish i've forgot nothing and sorry for my english i do my best.
If you need more informations tell me !
EDIT: Here is a link to my shared Google Drive folder which contains two PNG (one for my actual invoice and the other for what i need to add) and my two XML's files (one for the "report_saleorder_document" and the other for the "external_layout_standard").
The link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dgOui7_HpIOd4W5v5wZ5j5366meAM4Pp?usp=sharing
EDIT: I'm working with Odoo 11.