Hi all!
I have a model with a m2o relation to other model. I also have a Selection which gets populated on the fly from a web server... something like this:
from openerp import models, fields, api
class MyModel (models.Model):
def _get_options (self, query=None):
url = "http://example.com/fetch?"
rc = http_client.get (url+query) #this instruction fetches results from the external server
values = []
for entry in rc:
values.append ((entry['id'], entry['name']))
return values
_name = "my.model"
other_model = fields.Many2One ("other.model", "Other Model")
select_ = fields.Selection (_get_options, string="Select")
def _on_other_model_change (self):
query = ... # here the query is built from the other_model data
values = self._get_options (query) ??????
What I need is to update in the view the available choices for the "select_" field.
Hope I was able to explain myself.
Best regards and thanks in advance