Im unable to solve my initial product quantity update in inventory module - perhaps somebody can offer me a solution.
Say i have a product. Product hierarchy is divided into pallets, boxes, packs and single units. Every pallet has its own serial number, so does the box, pack and single unit. Pallet 1-10 -> box 1-20 -> pack 1-20 -> single unit 1-100.
1) Now i need to setup my initial product stock, say 1000 single units - i need to add a unique serial number to every unit
2) after that i need to define packs, so i need to create a pack with its unique serial and associate it with previously inserted 100 single units
3) same goes with the box, need to specify unique serial for the box and associate it with unique packs
Lastly if i want to start inventory transfer of a box, i must be able to select a predefined box, that consist of associated packs, that consist of associated s ingle units.
All in all i was able to handle steps 1 and 2, but only through inventory transfer from one warehouse to another. I created and saved a new product (without tracking option), then i activated the tracking by serial and initiated a transfer from warehouse 1 to warehouse 2 (within that transfer i specified serial numbers for every single unit - copied 1000 serials from excel). After that i initiate a transfer from warehouse 2 to warehouse 3, and was able to add 100 unique serial number items to a pack "PACK0000001". Now i have a pack in warehouse 3, that is associated with 100 single items with unique serials for every item.
Can i somehow skip the "transfer" procedures and setup my stock from the start to have this hierarchy pack->100 unique serial single units, so i can proceed to transfer packs form one warehouse to another, without specifying in every transfer that these single units belong to this pack.