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How can you merge Sales Orders (SO) from several clients for the same product into 1 Manufacturing order (MO) or 1 Purchase order (PO) without losing the traceability afterwards of the ordered quantities for each client?


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Author Best Answer

In this video you can find how to group several Sales Orders (SO) from different clients for the same product into 1 Manufacturing order (MO) without losing the traceability afterwards of the ordered quantities for each client. 

FYI : This method also works with Purchase Orders (PO)->Check that  the "propagation of procurement group" is set to "Propagate" on the Buy route

The main steps are:

1) Define a reordering rule 0/0 with trigger= manual in the replenishment view (preferred route manufacturing) of the Inventory app for your manufactured product

        -->Each confirmed Sales order will generate or update the line for the manufactured product in the replenishment view

2) Click on “order once” in the replenishment view when you want to generate the  Manufacturing order

        --> The confirmed Manufacturing Order will group the requested quantities from the different SO’s

        --> The produced quantities will automatically be reserved on the deliveries (WH/OUT) of the linked Sales Orders 

screenshots video:

Confirmed Sales orders

Replenishment view

Generated Manufacturing Order

Product Moves/reserved quantities on delivery (WH/OUT)


Great article! Thank you for the contribution!

OMG this is awesome! Thank you very much!

Excellent topic!! Thanks Caroline!!

At first great explanation, thank you for the effort on this Caroline.

I noticed your point about traceability and that's what got my attention.
After you have started the MO, I do not see any reference back to the SO's...

Maybe I misunderstood... hope you can clear this up for me :)

Thank you in advance,

Can someone repost the video?

Best Answer

Caroline's answer can't solve your issue,

because once you generate the  Manufacturing order from replenishment,

you will lost all the the traceability. 

Even you generate single Sale Order to  Manufacturing order, 

you will find the Source Procurement Group is empty, nothing in move_dest_ids

Odoo only link the Sales Order reference if the inventory route of product set to MTO
