I would like to have the cost price update after receipt of goods. Average price works but Real Price (preferred) only updates after sale of the goods. This leads to an accounting discrepency and also means the sales pricelists dont function as expected. Full example below:
Odoo V8
Anglo Saxxon Accounting
Product set to Real Price + Real Time (Automated)
Purchase product A for $100.
Purchase an additional Product A for $200.
Now if you look at the cost price for the product it will still be $100.
You sell the first product A, the cost is accounted as $100. After the sale the product cost remains $100. (Balanced)
You sell the second product A. The cost will be accounted as $100 leaving a $100 discrepency. Now when you check the product cost it will have updated to $200.
How can I get the product cost to update BEFORE sale of the goods?
Thank you.
Just for clarification, why you do not use the average costing method instead of the real costing you use?