Odoo Version
I need to know how to get these fields, lst_price and standard_price, from product_product model, i'm developing an inventory report so i need to show this values in my excel table.
The problem
When i try to call lst_price using "pp.lst_price or pp.standard_price" i get the error "the column doen't exist" but i'm on the right place, so i realized something about this two fields are computed fields and they're not stored so they have not a column in the table...
query = """select DATE(sm.date) as date, sm.origin as origin, sm.reference as ref, pt.name as product,\ sm.product_uom_qty as out_qty, pp.id as product_id, pt.list_price as price, pp.standard_price as cost\
from stock_move as sm \
JOIN stock_picking as sp ON sp.id = sm.picking_id \
JOIN res_partner as rp ON rp.id = sp.partner_id \
JOIN product_product as pp ON pp.id = sm.product_id \
JOIN product_template as pt ON pp.product_tmpl_id = pt.id \
where sm.date >= %s and sm.date <= %s \
and sm.location_id = %s and sm.product_id in %s \
and sm.state not in %s and sm.company_id = %s
So i really need help to achieve this.